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Tree Planting & Maintenance

It is the ecological responsibility of smaller organisations and individuals to ensure trees are managed properly in rural and urban environments, the planting and maintenance of trees is of more importance than ever.

Growing trees provide us with many economic benefits; higher property values, reduced energy costs for buildings, and natural air pollution management.

Growing trees provide plentiful environmental benefits. They help make us healthier both psychologically and physically. They clean air, they calm traffic, they provide habitat to wild life, amongst so much more

We provide planting recommendations, reports, stock and planting services for anything from singular tree selection to large estate stocking.

Our specifications and planting are carried out to industry recommendations BS5845:2014, a British Standard to assist people involved in planning, designing, resourcing, producing, planting and managing new trees in the landscape.



While forestry commissions are taking care of large-scale forestry sites it is the responsibility of smaller organisations or individuals to ensure trees are managed properly in rural and urban environments, where such plantings have vital roles.

Biosecurity is an important element of our work, it is especially important whilst planting new trees to avoid transmission of pest and diseases to new or existing trees. Working to a company policy, we take this part of the job seriously. This can be found within our terms and conditions section.

Growing trees in urban spaces is however not without its challenges. 

Environmental factors are to be taken into account along with future site objectives to evaluate suitable species.

From singular tree selection to large estate stocking we are able to provide planting recommendations, reports, stock and planting services.

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Post Planting Maintenance

All too often we find the lack of aftercare to young trees is the cause of early mortality.

Periodic checking, adjustment and eventual removal of tree support systems such as ties, stakes and guards as well as formative pruning and soil management are essential to ensure the healthy growth of trees. 

Damage to trees from lack of post planting maintenance can impair a trees passive and active defences leaving them open to colonisation or attack by pests and diseases.

As part of our sustainability program we are committed to ensuring trees planted in urban environments have the best management plans possible.